Paranormal Dictionary

Angels  Immortal Beings created by God. Some angels act as guardian to humans while others known as the dark angels becomes demons. In the bible humans are born slightly ‘lower' than angels.


Anti-Christ The birth of the Anti-Christ is supposed to herald the end of the world. His name is Satan.  
Apparition Manifestation of a Spirit visible to the eye. Must be visible as a recognizable human or animal shape. (Class A Haunting)  
Apparitions Of
The Dead
Manifestations of the deceased, usually within a short time after death, to comfort the grieving or to communicate information, concludes unfinished business, or announces a role as guardian Spirit.  
Astral Projection Out of Body experiences experienced by certain individuals either controlled or uncontrolled. Though the spirit may travel freely it is bound by an invisible cord that binds it to the human body. People who astral travelled either travel within earth realm or to other plane of existences.  
Aura The energy emanation given out by all living things. It is supposed to be seen using Kirlian photography. It is believed that people who can control their auras can use it for good or evil; either for healing of another person whose body is weak (weak auras), or as a psychic attack.  
Automatic Writing Generally thought to be a way whereby a spirit or ghost might communicate through a human medium. In the West it is a communication from the spirit realm, in the East they are revelations from God.   
Hopping Ghost
A Chinese version of blood sucking vampire. Moves around by hopping, gets energy from moonlight, and bites human not just for blood. In old eastern belief, Chinese vampires can be controlled by human priest blandishing talismans.   
Clairvoyant A Psychic person with the ability to see into the future using the mind only. This is often in flashes, and sometimes uncontrolled.  
Collective Apparition When more than one person sees the same Spirit or Spirits.  
Cold Spot Phenomena in which a certain part of a haunted area that records a significantly lower room temperature.  
Conjure To call up demons or spirits. This is different from calling spirits using Ouija board, as the conjuror is often involved in some ritual to summon the forces of the other realm.  
Crisis Apparition Usually visual images, which appear in waking visions or dreams at a moment of crisis, such as to communicate dying or death.  
Curse The opposite of Blessing. To utter or invoke spells (usually bad ones) to harm others.  
Deathbed Apparitions Visual images of divine beings, religious figures, luminosity's, and dead loved ones that are reported by the dying in the last moments of life.  
Demon Evil forces of darkness. To the West it is a fallen angel turn baddie. To the East, Demons either dwells in Hades and control ghosts, or are transformation of living beings through black arts and long years of mediation.  
Devil In the West He was the Favourite Angel who turn baddie and now control Hell and minor demons. In the East Devils and Demons are not distinguished. Also known sometimes as Satan.  
Disembodied A Disembodied Spirit is one without a host body. This term usually used in the West. In the East, every human spirit that doesn't go to Hell or Heaven dwells forever on Earth as wandering ghost.  
Disembodied Voice Disembodied Voice, or most commonly known in the West as EVP, is a voice that is sometimes heard, or can only be heard under close scrutiny of noise recording. It is a ghostly sound of a ghost without the body seen. (See EVP for definition)  
Divination Divination in the West has the same meaning as in the East, and it refers to the prediction of the possible future through spiritual means  
Ectoplasm A whitish substance, which emanates from the body of a medium during a trance. This often appears as a mist –like substance and may transforms into a human figure or body parts… usually that of a hand.  
Elementals Elementals are considered the Guardians of Mother Earth, Protector of Earth, Wind, Water and Fire.   
Electromagnetic Field The regions of space near electric currents, magnets, broadcasting antennas etc., regions in which electric and magnetic forces may act. Generally the EM field is regarded as a modification of space itself, enabling it to store and transmit energy.  It is this modification that makes a researcher believe that when spirits manifest, they create an electromagnetic field.  
EMF Detector An instrument that measures electromagnetic energy. Also known as a Gauss Meter or magnetometer.  
ESP Extra sensory perception. It is believed that man has more than the 5 basic senses of Smell, Touch, Taste, See and Hear. Having a ‘gut feeling' or twitching of eye brows are sometimes signs of ESP.  
Evil Spirits Any ‘other worldly' creatures that threatens the human race are considered evil spirits   
EVP Electronic Voice Phenomena. Voices or noises captured on audiotape when there is no present of anyone making that noise.  
Exorcism A ritual performed by an Exorcist. Which in the West is usually the Priest, and in the East, A Taoist Monk. This ritual often involves the chatting of words, some spiritual materials solely   designed to free someone from the possession of a demon or ghost.   
Ghost A term to describe a deceased person or image coming back to visit the living. Ghost can exist in several forms. A ghost can either be free travelling or bound to an earthly domain usually the place where they died. Ghost can be the residual energy left behind.  
Haunted Where a place is haunted it is believed that ghost or spirits inhabited that place.  A person or place to which negative spirits are attached. These spirits can be human or inhuman in nature.  
Hantu A Malay term for ghost.  
Holy Water Water that has been blessed by the Church or Priest. Holy water is believe to repel evil forces. In Vampire Movies, Holy water can seriously injure a vampire.  
Incubus A male demon that sexually attack mainly the female human.   
Kirlian Photography Kirlian photography is a way of representing the energy of the body in visual form, discovered by inventors Semyon and Valentina Kirlian in 1939. All living creatures generate and emit radiations. Photons of light, electromagnetic frequencies, heat, sound, and scent are all emitted from our bodies in direct relationship to our internal states. This wonderful and subtle system of exchange contains a wealth of information. Kirlian photography introduces a high frequency, high voltage, ultra low current to the object being photographed. In travelling through and reacting with our complex systems, this influx of electrical energy amplifies and makes visible the bodies biological and energetic exchange. The camera and the subject interact to produce a corona of multi-frequency energy waves- from low infrared to well past the visible spectrum.  
Levitation The ability of lifting the body above the air without any means of support  
Lucifer Another name of Satan, according to western biblical terms.   
Materialization The appearance of a spirit from the spirit realm to the actual world. Materialization can occur either in full body or body parts i.e., most commonly being the hand.   
Medium A psychic go-between between a living person and the dead. Medium either allows the dead spirit speak through themselves, or by a series of knocks and other methods.   
Miracles When the impossible happens, it is known as a miracle.   
Necromancy The conjuring of dead spirits sometimes using bones, burned ash or other parts of a corpse  
Occult The study of hidden knowledge in the field of para – or super- natural.  
Orb Believed to be the simplest form in which a spirit may appear. Orbs are usually circular or spherical, white (though other colours have been reported) and are the most commonly photographed phenomena worldwide.   
Ouija Board Spiritual game board manufactured by the Parker Brothers company. Both the West and East have their own version of Ouija Board.    
Out Of Body Experience See Astral Travelling .  
Paranormal As the word denotes Para- Normal means events that runs parallel to our own, but NOT OUR OWN. Paranormal would involve anything from crop circles to UFOs to ghosts and swamp monsters.  
Pentagram A drawing of a five-pointed star symbolizing the natural four elements surrounded by the spirit. The western version of the eastern talisman to either ward off or invoke evil. When used upside down it is supposed to have the same effect as the upside down cross.  
Phantom Anything ghostly that do not have a definite form.  
Pochong A Malay ghost that is seen wrapped up in its burial robes. When a Malay Muslim dies he is wrapped up in 3 layers of white sheet (5 sheets for female), the end corner being tied in a knot just on top of the head, and the white sheets removed just before burial. It is believed that by placing an object i.e., an egg in the armpit, the corpse will not rise as it will not want to drop that egg.  
Portal Haunting A doorway or portal that provides access for spirits/Spirits to enter our world from another dimension. A very common doorway is a cemetery or a graveyard.  
Poltergeist Translated from a German term literally meaning “noisy or mischievous ghost”, it is usually associated with a house haunting with physical (and often unpleasant or violent) activity. Poltergeist is believed to be somehow linked to young children undoing adolescence in the house.    
Pontianak A Malay woman ghost who was pregnant at time of death and not given the proper burial rites.  
Possession Possession refers to any occupational of the human host by another spirit or soul. It can occur either voluntarily or deliberately. Voluntary possession includes a medium who allows herself as a in-between for the deceased person and a living relative. Involuntary possession happens when a malevolent spirit forcefully occupy a human host, sometimes even displacing the original soul. An exorcism is often necessary to expel the possessing spirit.  
Precognition Knowledge of pending or future events by other means other than the basic 5 senses of feel, smell, taste, see and hear.  
Premonition A sensing of future events (usually unpleasant) which cannot be explained.  
Psychic Anyone who possesses a 6 th sense other than the usual 5 senses. The 6 th sense can be anything from telepathy, to telekinetic.  
Rapping A knocking sound commonly heard during a séance. Believed to be a form of spirit communication.  
Reincarnation The birth of a new human baby, but with the soul of a previous life. A common idea to the East.  
When a spirit becomes trapped in a terrible emotional loop or whirlpool that repeats over and over, like a video segment playing over repeatedly. (Echo of a personality or traumatic event) An apparition does not interact with you.  
Satan This term is applicable only to Christians. Believed to a fallen angel that opposes God. Control Hells and all other demons and lesser ‘fallen' angels.   
Satanic Bible A Book written by Anton Szandor LaVey who founded the Church Of Satan . This book is a direct challenge to everything good that the Christian bible represents. Teaches that Man are creatures of the flesh and should not abstain from anything, even if they are wrong, and they should not turn the other cheek but give back pound for pound for any wrong done.    
Scrying A method of seeing into the future using a mirror, crystal ball or water.   
Sensitive A person with psychic abilities.   
Sleep Paralysis A medical disorder affecting every one out of two people, which feels like pressure on the chest makes it hard to breath. Most often this experience is mistaken for demonic possession. Often the person with this disorder sees a black figure standing next to them. This is NOT related to spirits of the dead, but to a medical disorder.  
Soul Electromagnetic energy field pattern or matrix (the identity), with intelligence, emotions, attitudes and beliefs. Usually self-aware.  
Specter Same as phantom.  
Spirit Another name for ghost. However, spirit may also refer to other elemental beings not necessary human, like tree spirits.   
Spirit Lights Spectral lights, ( ignis fatuus )-“foolish fire”. Have been around in every country and civilization. The Spirit lights are blue or yellow orbs. Some scientist suggest that the lights are swamp gas, magnetism, electricity or phosphorescent material. So far no conclusive natural source has ever been found for the sightings.  
Supernatural Same as paranormal.  
Succubus The opposite of a incubus. Attacks mainly males.  
Telekinesis The ability to project images and thoughts to another person.  
Telepathy The ability to communicate with another person using means other than the five senses. Normally through thoughts waves.  
Teleportation The movement or transport of human or object from one place to another, either by spiritual or scientific means.   
Voodoo An African religion which uses spells, zoombies and conjuring for personal gain or to hurt others.  
Voodoo Doll A Doll used for voodoo rituals. Usually a voodoo doll will contain a part of a victim possession i.e., hair, and by torturing the doll, the human victim is similarly afflicted.  
Vortex Energy that takes the shape of a tube in a photograph. It may vary in color and shape. It may appear to be a camera strap in the photo. We have seen various colors in vortex photos. One theory is that they are made up of several orbs. It may be in connection with a portal or doorway. Geomagnetic energy anomaly and not Spirits can cause vortex photos. There is often a high EMF reading when an orb is present.  
Warlock A Male witch.  
Witch One who practices witchcraft. Usually thought to travel around in broomsticks.  There are good witches who practises white magic and bad witches who practises black magic.  
Witchcraft The craft and skills of witches.