Crystal Power

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      Crystal Power

      Information on crystals and how they can help different aspects of your life.

      Adventurine – This stone protects, clears and activates the hearth chakra. It is also an excellent stone for protecting your energy being ‘used’ by others. Helps with clear thinking, motivation and decisions.

      Also aids in love of self, and love of others.

      Aegirine – Utilisation of this mineral for energy generation is excellent. It acts to concentrate positive energy into an area and to interact with all who are present providing revitalisation, mental stimulation, concentration of healing energy for other minerals and unifying the group.

      Aegirine has also been used to remove emotional blockages and allow one to accept a state of sufficiency.

      It has been used to protect one from negative energy and psychic attack and to increase the amount of energy applied by other minerals in any healing situation.

      Carnelian Usually red, orange or red/brown.

      Protects against fear, envy and rage. Banishes sorrow from the emotional structure.

      Carnelian energy is also used to cleanse negative energy from within an area toward the light of transmutation.

      The employment of Carnelian, Ruby and Chlorite crystals has been used to eliminate psychic attack and to assist earth bound spirits to leave an area. Gridding these can protect one and ones environment from the return of negative energies.

      Kunzite – Can be found in pink, colourless, grey, green, purple and occasionally tri or bi coloured. Activates the heart chakra and aligns it with the throat chakra and the third eye. Connects one to the infinite source of love. Holding the stone can produce peaceful loving feelings. Can balance internal and external expressions of self love, unconditional love and romantic love.

      Kunzite dissolves negativity by raising the vibration of the area surrounding it from 5 cm to infinity if programmed correctly. Can dispel outside influences/entities providing protection on the outer areas of the aura. Kunzite produces a shield from these unwanted energies.

      It dispels static un-focused energy-y and recentres ones energy. After holding the mineral in a vertical position and aligning the chakras the energy centre’s are balanced internally and connected sequentially.

      Can be used as an elixer.

      Can eliminate energy blockages which encourage disfunctions within the body.

      Choosing your crystals
      All crystals and gemstones vibrate to their own frequency.

      When choosing crystals it is important to choose those that vibrate on the same frequency as you do. How do I do that? I hear you ask.

      It is not as hard as it sounds. Just like when we meet someone for the first time, a lot of us have an immediate gut instinct as to whether we are going to get along with that person or not. It is very much the same with crystals.

      When faced with choosing a crystal there are a few different ways to work out which one is best for you.

      These include:
      1) Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and think about choosing the right crystal for you by saying the first one that my eye catches when I open them is the one for me. This places the onus on the universe to choose the best one for you.
      2) You can also try running your hand through the stones and one will usually feel tacky or sticky to you. This is your stone.
      3) Intuitively you can often feel a crystal talking to you saying “Pick me, choose me�.

      Sometimes you will feel that the crystals have actually chosen you. Many times I have heard a crystal yelling out to me when I have been outside of the shop. It has lead me all the way to it and has come home with me. Sometimes I was not even aware of what its purpose was. Then discovered when I got home it was just the thing I needed at the time.

      Cleansing your crystals
      Opinions are divided on this. Many claiming that you should not need to bother cleansing your crystals as they will automatically pick up on your needs and be used for your greater good regardless of whether you cleanse or program them.

      I feel that it is worth the effort of cleansing and programming as much to have it as part of a ritual as anything else. How can I really use it to its best potential if I haven’t looked after it and then told it what I need?

      I feel your stone may have come from anywhere and would have picked up both negative and positive vibrations on its journey to you.

      So before you start to use your stone for any purpose it is very important that you first remove any of these unwanted negative ‘vibrations’ and disharmonious energies. You should do everything you possibly can to ensure that only the most natural – and purest – energies remain within your stone. The cleansing method you choose is up to you and whatever you feel comfortable with. Here are a few I have found work well for me:

      Choose either your left or right hand to hold the stone (one will usually feel better than the other) and exhale over the stone. Imagine the stone being cleansed with white light from the universe and say either verbally or mentally “I ask the Deva of this crystal and my guides to cleanse this crystal of any negative energy and fill it with the white healing light of the universe to be used for my greater good�.

      2) WATER
      You can also use water. If you have a fresh water source that’s even better but a tap will do. Using tepid or lukewarm water- never hot as it can crack your stones- hold the stone under the running water while visualizing all of the negative energy washing away with only pure positive energy remaining. To dry your stone never use a cloth. Place it in the rays of the sun on a windowsill or in a safe place outside and allow it to dry naturally. The sun and likewise the moon are very powerful energisers and should be used whenever possible.

      3) SALT
      I tend to avoid salt cleansing for the following reasons. There are a number of crystals and stones that will lose their beautiful finish from salt exposure. It is very hard to know which ones will be affected, so I avoid having them touch salt.

      However if you wish to cleanse using salt, you can wrap your crystal in plastic (such as Glad Wrap) or place them in a freezer bag, and then put them into the salt (make sure the plastic is secure and has no openings). This will make sure your crystals do not come into direct contact with the salt, but will still take advantage of its cleansing properties.

      4) EARTH
      Bury the stone under the earth in your garden. Our planet consists of at least one third quartz and the very strong and powerful magnetic energy field in the actual earth will ‘cleanse’ your stone of all its negativity very effectively. Please take care if you have pets, they always seem to find them so perhaps put them in a secure part of your yard.

      Place your stone on a large quartz crystal cluster for a few hours. You can also place it on an amethyst cluster. Amethyst in particular has cleansing properties. Clear quartz clusters will assist your stone in building up its healing energy. Both will cleanse your stone. I often leave my healing rods permanently on my amethyst cluster. I also put my personal rings and jewellery on it to cleanse them overnight. These crystals emit a positive vibration that is unaffected by negative vibrations and energies.

      The sun and the moon will cleanse and rejuvenate your crystals. Some stones respond better to the sun than the moon, or vice versa. You’ll get to know your stones in time. I leave mine out in both. Some stones that have been heat treated or colour altered (irradiated or dyed) may fade in the sun. My amethyst cluster has been exposed to both for years and its colour unaffected by either. I tend to avoid colour treated stones as I feel their resonance is affected and they are less effectual for healing. Crystals need light. I find mine need at least one day a week in the sun or the moon to be cleansed effectively. They will also recharge better when they are placed with other crystals. To enhance this process try placing them in a circular shape which will magnify their recharge.

      Clearing your crystal
      Just as it is important to clear away any previous negative energy that your crystal may contain it is also important to clear away any previous programming it may be influenced by. Stand in a clean clear area (clean and clear of negative energies) and imagine a white beam of light coming down from the universe through the top of your head and out your feet going into the earth. Imagine this as a cleaning, healing light permeating your body both physical, astral and the area around you. Hold the crystal in your left hand or put it on a flat surface, point up, and hold the base with your left hand. Hold your right hand over the crystal’s point without touching it. Imagine the white light traveling in through the crown chakra down your torso and into your left arm. Allow the white light to flow through your left arm and thru the palm of your hand into the base of the crystal. See or feel or know that the energy is flowing up the stem of the crystal out of the crystal’s point. Feel the white light enter the palm of your right hand and complete the energy circuit. Intuitively you will know when the previous programming is completely removed. Always use white light as it is the purest of all colours being the sum of all colours. Your crystal is clear and ready for programming.

      Programming your crystal
      Using a clean, clear area (as described above), or a sacred circle (you don’t want to have negative influences from the area you are in affecting your programming), and imagine a white beam of light coming down from the universe through the top of your head and out your feet going into the earth. Clear your aura and chakras in the manner described above. Hold the crystal the same way you did when you cleared it. Now you need to tell the crystal what you would like to use it for. An example: I had a throat tumour. I used Lapis Lazuli to help treat it. Lapis Lazuli is particularly good for the throat chakra. So I programmed my LL something like this. I ask the Deva of this Lapis Lazuli and my guides to allow this stone to help me treat my throat tumour. Using the power of the lapis to open up my throat chakra for clear and honest communication, removing all energy blocks from this chakra causing the tumour to manifest there. I ask the universe to fill this crystal with its healing power and that it is used for my greater good. You can be as detailed as you like and say it out loud or in your mind. You may find your crystal changes temperature during the programming. The heat from your hands excites the electrons in the stone.

      Something worth remembering. It is important you choose the best crystal for the job you want it to do. There are a lot of resources on the web for you to check the best use for your new crystal. Stores that sell them will also have information for their best use as well. It’s no point trying to move a house-lot of furniture on the back of your push bike, it will not work. The same thing applies to crystals.

      Crystal Power with Jetgirl

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        Crystal Power

        Information on crystals and how they can help different aspects of your life.

        Adventurine – This stone protects, clears and activates the hearth chakra. It is also an excellent stone for protecting your energy being ‘used’ by others. Helps with clear thinking, motivation and decisions.

        Also aids in love of self, and love of others.

        Aegirine – Utilisation of this mineral for energy generation is excellent. It acts to concentrate positive energy into an area and to interact with all who are present providing revitalisation, mental stimulation, concentration of healing energy for other minerals and unifying the group.

        Aegirine has also been used to remove emotional blockages and allow one to accept a state of sufficiency.

        It has been used to protect one from negative energy and psychic attack and to increase the amount of energy applied by other minerals in any healing situation.

        Carnelian Usually red, orange or red/brown.

        Protects against fear, envy and rage. Banishes sorrow from the emotional structure.

        Carnelian energy is also used to cleanse negative energy from within an area toward the light of transmutation.

        The employment of Carnelian, Ruby and Chlorite crystals has been used to eliminate psychic attack and to assist earth bound spirits to leave an area. Gridding these can protect one and ones environment from the return of negative energies.

        Kunzite – Can be found in pink, colourless, grey, green, purple and occasionally tri or bi coloured. Activates the heart chakra and aligns it with the throat chakra and the third eye. Connects one to the infinite source of love. Holding the stone can produce peaceful loving feelings. Can balance internal and external expressions of self love, unconditional love and romantic love.

        Kunzite dissolves negativity by raising the vibration of the area surrounding it from 5 cm to infinity if programmed correctly. Can dispel outside influences/entities providing protection on the outer areas of the aura. Kunzite produces a shield from these unwanted energies.

        It dispels static un-focused energy-y and recentres ones energy. After holding the mineral in a vertical position and aligning the chakras the energy centre’s are balanced internally and connected sequentially.

        Can be used as an elixer.

        Can eliminate energy blockages which encourage disfunctions within the body.

        Choosing your crystals
        All crystals and gemstones vibrate to their own frequency.

        When choosing crystals it is important to choose those that vibrate on the same frequency as you do. How do I do that? I hear you ask.

        It is not as hard as it sounds. Just like when we meet someone for the first time, a lot of us have an immediate gut instinct as to whether we are going to get along with that person or not. It is very much the same with crystals.

        When faced with choosing a crystal there are a few different ways to work out which one is best for you.

        These include:
        1) Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and think about choosing the right crystal for you by saying the first one that my eye catches when I open them is the one for me. This places the onus on the universe to choose the best one for you.
        2) You can also try running your hand through the stones and one will usually feel tacky or sticky to you. This is your stone.
        3) Intuitively you can often feel a crystal talking to you saying “Pick me, choose me�.

        Sometimes you will feel that the crystals have actually chosen you. Many times I have heard a crystal yelling out to me when I have been outside of the shop. It has lead me all the way to it and has come home with me. Sometimes I was not even aware of what its purpose was. Then discovered when I got home it was just the thing I needed at the time.

        Cleansing your crystals
        Opinions are divided on this. Many claiming that you should not need to bother cleansing your crystals as they will automatically pick up on your needs and be used for your greater good regardless of whether you cleanse or program them.

        I feel that it is worth the effort of cleansing and programming as much to have it as part of a ritual as anything else. How can I really use it to its best potential if I haven’t looked after it and then told it what I need?

        I feel your stone may have come from anywhere and would have picked up both negative and positive vibrations on its journey to you.

        So before you start to use your stone for any purpose it is very important that you first remove any of these unwanted negative ‘vibrations’ and disharmonious energies. You should do everything you possibly can to ensure that only the most natural – and purest – energies remain within your stone. The cleansing method you choose is up to you and whatever you feel comfortable with. Here are a few I have found work well for me:

        Choose either your left or right hand to hold the stone (one will usually feel better than the other) and exhale over the stone. Imagine the stone being cleansed with white light from the universe and say either verbally or mentally “I ask the Deva of this crystal and my guides to cleanse this crystal of any negative energy and fill it with the white healing light of the universe to be used for my greater good�.

        2) WATER
        You can also use water. If you have a fresh water source that’s even better but a tap will do. Using tepid or lukewarm water- never hot as it can crack your stones- hold the stone under the running water while visualizing all of the negative energy washing away with only pure positive energy remaining. To dry your stone never use a cloth. Place it in the rays of the sun on a windowsill or in a safe place outside and allow it to dry naturally. The sun and likewise the moon are very powerful energisers and should be used whenever possible.

        3) SALT
        I tend to avoid salt cleansing for the following reasons. There are a number of crystals and stones that will lose their beautiful finish from salt exposure. It is very hard to know which ones will be affected, so I avoid having them touch salt.

        However if you wish to cleanse using salt, you can wrap your crystal in plastic (such as Glad Wrap) or place them in a freezer bag, and then put them into the salt (make sure the plastic is secure and has no openings). This will make sure your crystals do not come into direct contact with the salt, but will still take advantage of its cleansing properties.

        4) EARTH
        Bury the stone under the earth in your garden. Our planet consists of at least one third quartz and the very strong and powerful magnetic energy field in the actual earth will ‘cleanse’ your stone of all its negativity very effectively. Please take care if you have pets, they always seem to find them so perhaps put them in a secure part of your yard.

        Place your stone on a large quartz crystal cluster for a few hours. You can also place it on an amethyst cluster. Amethyst in particular has cleansing properties. Clear quartz clusters will assist your stone in building up its healing energy. Both will cleanse your stone. I often leave my healing rods permanently on my amethyst cluster. I also put my personal rings and jewellery on it to cleanse them overnight. These crystals emit a positive vibration that is unaffected by negative vibrations and energies.

        6) THE SUN AND MOON
        The sun and the moon will cleanse and rejuvenate your crystals. Some stones respond better to the sun than the moon, or vice versa. You’ll get to know your stones in time. I leave mine out in both. Some stones that have been heat treated or colour altered (irradiated or dyed) may fade in the sun. My amethyst cluster has been exposed to both for years and its colour unaffected by either. I tend to avoid colour treated stones as I feel their resonance is affected and they are less effectual for healing. Crystals need light. I find mine need at least one day a week in the sun or the moon to be cleansed effectively. They will also recharge better when they are placed with other crystals. To enhance this process try placing them in a circular shape which will magnify their recharge.

        Clearing your crystal
        Just as it is important to clear away any previous negative energy that your crystal may contain it is also important to clear away any previous programming it may be influenced by. Stand in a clean clear area (clean and clear of negative energies) and imagine a white beam of light coming down from the universe through the top of your head and out your feet going into the earth. Imagine this as a cleaning, healing light permeating your body both physical, astral and the area around you. Hold the crystal in your left hand or put it on a flat surface, point up, and hold the base with your left hand. Hold your right hand over the crystal’s point without touching it. Imagine the white light traveling in through the crown chakra down your torso and into your left arm. Allow the white light to flow through your left arm and thru the palm of your hand into the base of the crystal. See or feel or know that the energy is flowing up the stem of the crystal out of the crystal’s point. Feel the white light enter the palm of your right hand and complete the energy circuit. Intuitively you will know when the previous programming is completely removed. Always use white light as it is the purest of all colours being the sum of all colours. Your crystal is clear and ready for programming.

        Programming your crystal
        Using a clean, clear area (as described above), or a sacred circle (you don’t want to have negative influences from the area you are in affecting your programming), and imagine a white beam of light coming down from the universe through the top of your head and out your feet going into the earth. Clear your aura and chakras in the manner described above. Hold the crystal the same way you did when you cleared it. Now you need to tell the crystal what you would like to use it for. An example: I had a throat tumour. I used Lapis Lazuli to help treat it. Lapis Lazuli is particularly good for the throat chakra. So I programmed my LL something like this. I ask the Deva of this Lapis Lazuli and my guides to allow this stone to help me treat my throat tumour. Using the power of the lapis to open up my throat chakra for clear and honest communication, removing all energy blocks from this chakra causing the tumour to manifest there. I ask the universe to fill this crystal with its healing power and that it is used for my greater good. You can be as detailed as you like and say it out loud or in your mind. You may find your crystal changes temperature during the programming. The heat from your hands excites the electrons in the stone.

        Something worth remembering. It is important you choose the best crystal for the job you want it to do. There are a lot of resources on the web for you to check the best use for your new crystal. Stores that sell them will also have information for their best use as well. It’s no point trying to move a house-lot of furniture on the back of your push bike, it will not work. The same thing applies to crystals.

        Crystal Power with Jetgirl

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