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  • #1280

      API would like to pay tribute to the Straits Times.

      For what.. you say?

      Well.. for the many wonderful reports on the latest court cases, regional & local news that are written in ever so compelling way.

      For their concluded Urban Legends Series on Saturdays, and their Saturday Special Reports.

      In these Reports Straits Times and their Reporters would cover many topics of a similar theme, and the whole Read will surely become something of a Collector’s Item one day.

      There was 1 week they concentrated Religion, and in their wonderful way of writing brought out the best of each Eligion they touched on.

      In the Nation of believers, they touched on Singaporean and their belief in God generally.

      In the Reaping a rich harvest of converts, they touched on how the various Religions worked the ground to bring more people to, and maintain their relationship with their God.

      In the Hard spiritual journey for auditor, they touched on a person seeking for answers to Life.

      In the Parents upset at first but came around, they touched a young man struggles for Christianity.

      In theFirm in their faith, they touched on Islam, using Singapore Idol Taufik Batisah as a role model.

      In the God? YES Religion? NO, they touched on a person belief in a Supreme Being, not submissive to any religion. Many Singaporean now adopt this kind of views

      Then ST also explores Religion and Politics, in a special report titled: 6 in 10 want religious input in policy-making.

      Finally this Report ended with a short and simple essay titled Good pals despite different beliefs. Though it was such a short script, it tells us that we are mult-racial, mult-regilious, and we are SINGAPOREAN.

      Therefore, either go and buy a copy of Straits Times (preferred, you get more and bigger pictures), or subscribe online.

      Admitly, I too am seeking for answers to the question of Life…

      Often I wonder, what will happen in a hundred years time??? Will there be another Charles seating in a chair and typing on his computer, just like what I am doing now?

      Where will I be… Will I still have my consciouness… or you might call it my soul…? Will my very existence, the very thought and processess that make up ME still exist? Or will I simply ceased to exist, just like being unplugged from the internet.

      Death is something we are all afraid of…

      I encountered Death before, when I was young, and several other episodes that made me more aware and curious about this world we live with-in, and encounter with-out.

      Join me as I build up my network through the wonder of the ‘real world matrix’.

      Let me end with my favourite poem, one which I wrote many years back, and still hold true to me in every way.

      Have you ever wonder about the Stars

      And what they really are?

      Are they just pinholes in the sky

      Or something too bizzare for our minds.

      Have you wonder about the sea

      And what secrets it held beneath.

      Of ancients beings that dwell below

      Basking in their uncanny glow.

      Have you wonder about the Trees

      And how they seemed to whisper so sliently

      In golden voices about golden things

      Of long gone heros and forgotten dreams

      Have you wonder about Man

      And how his life will one day end

      How no one will know, no one will care

      If Man… had really been there.

      And have you wonder about Life

      About you, about me, about everything’s alive

      It’s secret purpose, you can never grasp

      Till everything stops, and dust is dust.

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    • #1280

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        API would like to pay tribute to the Straits Times.

        For what.. you say?

        Well.. for the many wonderful reports on the latest court cases, regional & local news that are written in ever so compelling way.

        For their concluded Urban Legends Series on Saturdays, and their Saturday Special Reports.

        In these Reports Straits Times and their Reporters would cover many topics of a similar theme, and the whole Read will surely become something of a Collector’s Item one day.

        There was 1 week they concentrated Religion, and in their wonderful way of writing brought out the best of each Eligion they touched on.

        In the Nation of believers, they touched on Singaporean and their belief in God generally.

        In the Reaping a rich harvest of converts, they touched on how the various Religions worked the ground to bring more people to, and maintain their relationship with their God.

        In the Hard spiritual journey for auditor, they touched on a person seeking for answers to Life.

        In the Parents upset at first but came around, they touched a young man struggles for Christianity.

        In theFirm in their faith, they touched on Islam, using Singapore Idol Taufik Batisah as a role model.

        In the God? YES Religion? NO, they touched on a person belief in a Supreme Being, not submissive to any religion. Many Singaporean now adopt this kind of views

        Then ST also explores Religion and Politics, in a special report titled: 6 in 10 want religious input in policy-making.

        Finally this Report ended with a short and simple essay titled Good pals despite different beliefs. Though it was such a short script, it tells us that we are mult-racial, mult-regilious, and we are SINGAPOREAN.

        Therefore, either go and buy a copy of Straits Times (preferred, you get more and bigger pictures), or subscribe online.

        Admitly, I too am seeking for answers to the question of Life…

        Often I wonder, what will happen in a hundred years time??? Will there be another Charles seating in a chair and typing on his computer, just like what I am doing now?

        Where will I be… Will I still have my consciouness… or you might call it my soul…? Will my very existence, the very thought and processess that make up ME still exist? Or will I simply ceased to exist, just like being unplugged from the internet.

        Death is something we are all afraid of…

        I encountered Death before, when I was young, and several other episodes that made me more aware and curious about this world we live with-in, and encounter with-out.

        Join me as I build up my network through the wonder of the ‘real world matrix’.

        Let me end with my favourite poem, one which I wrote many years back, and still hold true to me in every way.

        Have you ever wonder about the Stars

        And what they really are?

        Are they just pinholes in the sky

        Or something too bizzare for our minds.

        Have you wonder about the sea

        And what secrets it held beneath.

        Of ancients beings that dwell below

        Basking in their uncanny glow.

        Have you wonder about the Trees

        And how they seemed to whisper so sliently

        In golden voices about golden things

        Of long gone heros and forgotten dreams

        Have you wonder about Man

        And how his life will one day end

        How no one will know, no one will care

        If Man… had really been there.

        And have you wonder about Life

        About you, about me, about everything’s alive

        It’s secret purpose, you can never grasp

        Till everything stops, and dust is dust.

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