Things that go bump in the night at Singapore varsity
Mon, Apr 20, 2009
The Star/Asia News Network
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THE National University of Singapore has put up a notice ‘warning’ students of a headless woman ghost in the campus, reported Sin Chew Daily.
The signboard was spotted at the front of the university’s Federal Building of its Bukit Timah campus.
According to the notice, many people had ‘bumped’ into the ghost in white wandering around the upper quadrant of the building.
It also gives information on other spirits.
The notice also talks about the sounds of Japanese soldiers marching up and down the corridors and lights being randomly switched on and off.
“There is also an elevator at the Zoology Department that operates on its own, which is operated by the ‘resident spirit’.
“Chairs and tables would be thrown about in classrooms according to students who study late into the night,” it reads.
A university spokesman said the signboard was one of nine along its Campus Heritage Trail that tell the history and major events reported in the campus in the past to help visitors know more about the university.
Asia Paranormal Investigators founder Charles Goh said the Zoology Department building had been taken over by the Faculty of Law and the haunted elevator no longer exists.
新加坡国大竟竖立告示牌,称有无头女鬼闹校园!有人早前发现,国大在武吉知马校园的联邦楼(Federal Building)前,竖立了一块“鬼招牌”,告诉学生,这里曾经有许多人“见鬼”!
在校自习到深夜的学生说,课室里的桌椅无端被抛来抛去。有个白衣无头女鬼也会在上草坪游荡。 ”
亚洲超自然协会(API)创办人吴安龙(41岁)说︰“闹鬼的事我听过不少,但这是头一次看到以官方名义记录鬼故事的告示牌。 ”
在武吉知马校园,一名法学院学生说︰“上学期一位教授提到校园里有块鬼招牌,起初我半信半疑,后来真的看到了,有点毛骨悚然。学校为什么要放这样的东西呢? ”
不过也有许多学生和教职员都表示不知道有“鬼招牌”。来自不丹的留学生佩玛(29岁)经常在课室自习到凌晨两三点,她说从没遇过什么“脏东西”。 夜幕低垂,还有几个学生在课室自习,他们从记者口中得知校园有“ 鬼招牌”,都前往观看,之后都觉得不寒而栗。
名正在巡逻的保安人员说︰“我去年8月加入时,这块告示牌已经在这里了。 ”
国大发言人回答记者询问时说,校方于2006年底在校园各处竖立了9块“故事板”,组成一条“校园遗产小径”(Campus Heritage rail)。公众和学生参观校园时,可从告示牌了解校园的各类典故。
动物系闹鬼 ?
记者在吴安龙的协助下,通过比对一张60年代的旧照片,证实当年的动物系(Zoology Department)就是今日的法学院(Faculty of Law)。据传闹鬼的电梯今日(周六,4月18日)虽然已不存在,但吴安龙认为,法学院入口处的电梯位置就是“鬼电梯”的位置!