Charles Goh, was nominated for the Spirit of Enterprise Award 2006.
"……..a culturally vibrant city attracts global creative talent. Creative people are highly mobile. They do not slavishly go to where the jobs are. They choose where they want to work based on their lifestyle interests, and the jobs and prosperity follow them……." (Mr Goh Chok Tong's National Day 2002 Rally Speech)
To know more about the SOE award, visit their website. Do read the press release in the TODAY newspaper.
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We didn't managed to get into the final 41 places. But we are happy to have been been featured in Channel 8 Frontline as a result of this nomination and we are also so ever thankful for Jay, who attended one of our Spooky tours and decided to nominate us for this award.
Visit our API in Media page to watch our video.
Later on Jay with another aspirating youth named Johnny, went on to found an organisation known as Mastery Quest, which aims to help youths 'master' their lives through meaninful events.
We are proud of such youths and as we becomes affiliates there will certainly be more joint activities coming your way.