Solved – Mystery of the 2nd Floor Haunting

Did a lady Ghost dressed in red haunt the 2nd floor of this Pub in JB?


The Case comes to us from our Informant, about a certain double-storied shophouse bought in JB.

He said that when his sister bought the double storey shophouse, it was at a very good price. She wanted to use the 1st floor as a Pub, and so only inspected the 1st floor when she first went there. The staircase leading to the 2nd floor was padlocked.

Believing in fengshui she bought a Master on the day she wanted to renovate. After walking through the 1st floor, they both stopped outside the padlocked entrance leading to the staircase up the 2nd floor.

That's when the Master stopped, and wanted to leave, not taking any money for his services rendered so far.

After a week or so, she brought another Master from elsewhere… but he too stopped at the padlocked gate, and then wanted to leave, saying that "it is too fierce". Again he too refused any money for services rendered or about to render.

This happened about one & a half month ago, and since then though she had opened the Pub, she has never attempted to open the gate & padlock and walk up to the 2nd floor before.

So what is the mystery of this 2nd floor?

This will be a 3 part investigation. But very much will depend on the 1st visit.

Since we did not hear from the direct source, we will still need to establish a link, and draw out the history of that place.

The 1st Visit is scheduled on 10th September 2005 (Saturday), from 3pm onwards. It is expected to last till 10pm, and we should be back in Singapore by 11pm.

The 1st Part will just be an on-site visit to the Pub, and then drinks, to gauge if the investigation is possible thru casual conversation. This will be followed perhaps by us accompanying her to the 2nd floor.

What will we find?

Part 2 – Investigation
Part 3 – Analysis

Part 4 – Investigation Video
(For Society Members)